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الاثنين، 28 يونيو 2010

تحميل برنامج مراقبة الجهاز لحماية الأطفالSpyAnytime PC Spy 2.42

يمكنك الان ان تراقب الكل وبكل حرية وسهولة .. يمكنك ان تضيف البرنامج في اي جهاز وتراقب وكانك انت صاحب الجهاز تصلك معلومات كلمات المرور وتصلك معلومات البريد وغيره ولكن
الغرض من هذا البرنامج هو لمراقبة الاطفال ومراقبة الاسره واقاربك واصحابك اذا كان تشك فيهم او تحس انهم يدخلون مواقع جنسية او محادثات دردشة خطرة وغيرها
مميزات الجاسوس SpyAnytime PC Spy

مخفي ولا يراه احد وغير قابل للكشف ابداً برنامج سهل الاستخدام وبسيط .

ياخذ لقطات من الشاشه اي ياخذ صور لكل شيء .
يعطيك تقارير كاملة على صفحات html صفحات انترنت .
دخول سري لمكتب التسجيل لكي لا يكشف ابدا
يحمى بكلمة سر
كل شيء قياسي وسهل على الحاسوب
مراقب عبر الشبكة
لا يستخدم الكثير من مصادر النظام والهاردسك
متوافق مع Windows All

Local Keylogger is NOT just a simple keystroke recorder, actually it is a extremely powerful spy software which can help you track out all areas of the computer use. Please just read the detailed introduction below to decide whether it fits your needs.
Surveillance and Logging Features
Window Activity Logging – Capture information on every window that were viewed and interacted with.
Application Activity Logging – Track every application/executable that was executed and interacted with.
Files/Documents Accessed – Log all files and documents that were viewed from inside Windows Explorer (text files, videos, images, etc.).
Keystroke Monitoring – Track all keystrokes pressed [including hidden system keys!] and which windows they were pressed in. Keystrokes can also be passed through a formatter for easy viewing/exporting.
Website Activity Logging – Record all website URL’s that users access, include Internet Explorer, Netscape, and Opera!
Screen Shot Capturing – Automatically capture screen shots of the desktop (or the active window) at set intervals – perfect for visually seeing what was happening on your PC when you weren’t around!
E-Mail Log Delivery – LocalKeylogger contains functionality that allows you to have e-mail’s sent to you containing recorded activity logs to your e-mail inbox at specified intervals. Perfect for remote monitoring a PC!
Security Features:
Optimal Stealth Mode – LocalKeylogger offers unparalleled stealth mode features. It has the capabilities to hide itself from every Windows operating system, thus ensuring that when you put it in stealth mode, it will be completely hidden from the user!
Windows Startup – Configure LocalKeylogger to startup for a single user, or to start up as a service for all users on the system – perfect for monitoring multiple users of a PC.
Customizable HotKey – For total concealment, LocalKeylogger allows you to customize the default hotkey.
Automatic Active Startup – Configure it to start in “Active” mode when it is started.
Password Protection – LocalKeylogger is password protected to prevent others from starting/stopping the monitoring process, as well as changing LocalKeylogger configuration settings!
Startup Alert – Automatically have the program display a custom alert message when it is started – perfect for letting the users of the PC know that they are being monitored (optional).
Spyware Defection & Removal – LocalKeylogger can scan your system for possible spyware removal/anti spy software products. If such a product is found, it will prevent the application from interfering with LocalKeylogger’s monitoring process!
Customizable Security Settings – Customize a wide array of security settings to prevent it from being tampered with while it is running.
Advanced Features:
Website Filting – Prevent particular website’s or keywords contained within the address from being viewed while LocalKeylogger is active.
Inactivity Timeout- Automatically suspend LocalKeylogger from monitoring the PC if the machine is inactive for a specified amount of time.
Scheduling Agent – Configure LocalKeylogger to only monitor and record at specific times of the day.
Automatic Log Clearing- LocalKeylogger can automatically eradicate old/outdated logs from the machine after a certain amount of data or keystrokes have been logged. .
And More……
Friendly User Interface – LocalKeylogger contains an extremely easy-to-understand (yet very powerful) graphical user interface. Thus, allowing you to familiarize yourself with the software in little to no time at all!
Quick Configuration Wizard – LocalKeylogger comes with its own, highly powerful and easy to use configuration wizard. This utility will help you get up and running with LocalKeylogger in just minutes!
Precise User Tracking – LocalKeylogger will ALWAYS logs the current Windows user and the time and date an action if performed. This will allow you to precisely track activity down to the exact user, at the exact time it happened.
Helpful Documentation – LocalKeylogger includes a great help file to help you answer any possible questions you may have concerning LocalKeylogger.
24/7 Technical Support – With your purchase comes a guarantee of technical support from our around-the-clock online technical support team.
System Requirements
Windows 98, Me, NT4, 2000, XP or Vista
Pentium Class PC (133mhz or higher)
3MB Hard disk space for program f

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  1. kef bdy asta5demo b el zab6 ? y3ny anazlo 3la 2y jehaz o kef bdy a3raf kol 2eshy ya reet te7kelna :(????????????


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